What is NameStorage?
The NameStorage is basically a decentralized data storage that is tied to names that can be registered or bought through name exchange. The NameStorage allows the owner of the corresponding name to store arbitrary data (e.g. pictures, files) in the NameStorage. Only the owner of a name can change the corresponding NameStorage, but everyone can access the uploaded data in an easy way. The data is stored with the help of special arbitrary transactions that have the service number 10. The NameStorage itself is key/value based which means you store the data under a key which will be in most cases the name of the file.

How to create a website?
First of all it is possible to store a website under any key, which means you can have as much websites as you want in one namestorage there is also no size restriction. Suppose you registered the name "qora" and want to store two html files index.html and about.html. In this case you just browse to : Choose the name "qora" (only necessary if you have more than one name registered)! The key will be the "name" of the file so we just enter here for the first file e.g. index.html (of course you can choose whatever you want). In the data section you just put your whole html code, if you already have a html file on your harddrive you can also select the "browse"-button choose the html file press "upload" and will have the content in the data section. Before submitting the data to the blockchain (and that way into NameStorage) it is recommended to press the preview button to see how the file will look like when you or anyone else will access it later. If you are happy with the result just press "submit". There will be an error if your wallet is locked or if you do not have enough balance but if everything is Ok there will be a security question that allows you to confirm (or cancel) the upload, it will also show the amount of qora that needs to be paid to upload it into blockchain. If you are fine with the amount just press "ok" and then the data will be uploaded to blockchain. For the "about.html" you do the same steps again, but choose as key e.g. "about.html". The websites can now be accessed by anyone using the Url and! You are also able to embed the content of any key to your website by adding the code {{namestoragemap.getOpt("qora", "index.html")}} for the index html, so the general syntax is {{namestoragemap.getOpt("<NAME>", "<KEY>")}}.
Important: If you want your website to be shown in the Webdirectory and also be searchable through the qora search engine your main website needs to have the magic key "website". So if you upload your index.html content under the key website it will be found through the qora search engine and also be part of the webdirectory. To get a better result it is recommended for that mainpage to use the following tags:
 <title>Your Title</title>
 <meta name="description" content="Your descrition">

 these parts will be shown to the user if his search matches your mainwebsite.
 How to create an own blog?
 In order to create your own blog you need to register a unique name. If you don't have a name yet, just browse to, enter the name you would like to have (must be all lowercase) and press submit. There should appear a security question you need to confirm in order to register the name. If no error happened the name will be yours after the next block. In order to have an own blog you first need to activate a profile for the name you registered. Browse to the page and select your name in the dropdown menu. Activate the checkbox for "enable profile" and "enable blog". You can also add an optional profile picture and a profile banner here, you just need to enter the Url to the pictures. Moreover there is a possibility to add a Blog title and a Blog description that will appear after creating the blog in the "Blogdirectory" ( The Black/Whitelist is optional too and only needed if you want to allow others to post in your blog. If you chose whitelist, every address or name you add to the list will be able to post on your blog (additional to your own profile). If you choose blacklist everyone except the people in the list will be able to post in your blog. For most users an empty whitelist should be fine (allowing only you to post in your blog). After clicking submit and approving the security call your blog and profile will be enabled. In the upper right corner of the screen is a button connect where you can choose your active profile, this should also open your new blog. You can also browse to your blog by opening "". In the upper left corner is the post button that allows you to create a blogpost. Just enter an optional title and the textbody, press submit and approve the security call. Congratulations, you made your first post.