    <title>About Qora Node</title>
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    This website is a  <a href="/footer" title="/footer"><b>Qora full node gateway</b></a> service. You can replace the ICANN domain name with any Qora gateway or localhost. 
         Accessing via localhost is always the best option for web3. <a href="https://github.com/Qoracoin/Qora/releases" title="Github : Qora software"><b>Qora software</b></a> is open source, no warranty. The character <a href="/]" title="http://AnyQoraNodeIP/]"><b>"&nbsp;]&nbsp;"</b></a> is a QNS registered by <a href="/okchai" title="/okchai"><b>/okchai</b></a>. Only the owner of the <a href="/qns" title="/qns"><b>QNS (Qora Name Service)</b></a> can publish and edit contents under its web3.
    <font size="1"><a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED 廣告</a></font> | 
    <a target="_tab" href="/aitway_v2">/aitway_v2</a> : AITWAY provides a limited tokens custody service with the aim of facilitating customers' access to Qora web3. It's best for customers to keep their own tokens secure. 壹位電腦提供有限度 token 託管服務,目的是要方便客戶取用旮旯 web3 ,自己的 token 最好自己保管。| 
    <font size="1"><a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED 廣告</a></font><br><br>
                  Qora gateway list :
                  <a target="_tab" href="http://qora2.com">qora2.com</a> |
                  <a target="_tab" href="http://qora.co.uk">qora.co.uk</a> |
                  <a target="_tab" href="http://keppelroad.com">keppelroad.com*</a> |      
    	      <a target="_tab" href="http://riau.co.uk">riau.co.uk*</a> |
                  <a target="_tab" href="http://aitway.com:9090">aitway.com:9090</a> |      
                  <a target="_tab" href="http://yawtia.com:9090">yawtia.com:9090*</a> | 
    	      <a target="_tab" href="http://kianchai.com:9090">kianchai.com:9090*</a> |
                  <a target="_tab" href=""></a> |
                  <a target="_tab" href=""></a> |
                  <a target="_tab" href=""></a> |<br>
                  ICANN domains are pointed to a Qora gateway and some* are up for sale.<br>
    <font size="1">Domains for sale : keppelroad.com USD2,000, riau.co.uk USD300, yawtia.com USD2,000, kianchai.com USD300</font>
     <font size="4">
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