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    <a href="/999x1y0z"><img border="0" src="/i/17.png" width="30"> -</a> X <a href="/1x1y0z">+ <img border="0" src="/i/17.png" width="30"></a><br>
    <!-- X star put here -->
    0 star
    <a href="/0x0y0z"><img border="0" src="/i/18.png" width="30"> -</a> Y <a href="/0x2y0z">+ <img border="0" src="/i/18.png" width="30"></a><br>
    <!-- Y star put here -->
    <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?tx=2n47jVFQU6rWfTwyaG5CKfmQMs4MGSRtZTiqi2Lys4nGUYH7f669nkBERtmM8qwB2JRvVQSGKEKgaAAtrXr6BDJ1">2⭐1</a>
    <a href="/0x1y999z"><img border="0" src="/i/19.png" width="30"> -</a> Z <a href="/0x1y1z">+ <img border="0" src="/i/19.png" width="30"></a><br>
    <!-- Z star put here -->
    0 star
    <br><br><a href="/qns">QNS</a> page: <font color=black><b>/0x1y0z</b></font> 
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    <i>Contact us if you want to put your ads in the above colored boxes.
    iframe for 0x1y0zleft space for rent:</i>
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    <h1>0x1y0z The XYZ Game</h1>
    This is a bounty game : <br><br>
    At Qora block <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?block=1100000"> 1100000 </a> (
    showing "ERROR TypeError: message is null", it means block 1100000 not yet forge.)<br><br>
    <b>Star Loop Bounty</b><br>
    Longest star loop to/from 0x0y0z will get the bounty.<br>
    Bounty Qora address : <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QQ4kqS75Wz8ShDor5ZMa7P6BbmmDW395DK"><font size=1>QQ4kqS75Wz8ShDor5ZMa7P6BbmmDW395DK</font></a><br>
    1 Million Qora in the address is the bounty base, use to forge new Qora block. All Qora forged by the address before block #1100000, and all tokens received by the address before block #1100000 (e.g., Timah, TwinDAO, USDq, BTCq, etc.), will be shared equally by loop #x#y#y owners.
    1 Million Qora bounty base are not for share, and will continue to forge new Qora block for next round of Star Loop Bounty. 
    Loop Rule 1 : Connect to highest stars webpage.<br>
    Loop Rule 2 : Create a web3 page under the QNS, follow the terms in the <a href="/0x999y0z">HTML template</a>.<br>
    Loop Rule 3 : The Loop with more stars along the loop wins.
    <b>Star Line Bounty</b><br>
    Longest star line from 0x0y0z will get the bounty.<br>
    Bounty Qora address : <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QSTG1cScfFXtjP7CZkSbtM5b9reBBwqEdX"><font size=1>QSTG1cScfFXtjP7CZkSbtM5b9reBBwqEdX</font></a><br>
    1 Million Qora in the address is the bounty base, use to forge new Qora block. All Qora forged by the address before block #1100000, and all tokens received by the address before block #1100000 (e.g., Timah, TwinDAO, USDq, BTCq, etc.), will be shared equally by line #x#y#y owners.
    1 Million Qora bounty base are not for share, and will continue to forge new Qora block for next round of Star Line Bounty. 
    Line Rule 1 : Connect from X, Y or Z which have highest stars.<br>
    Line Rule 2 : Create a web3 page under the QNS, follow the terms in the <a href="/0x999y0z">HTML template</a>.<br>
    Line Rule 3 : The Line with more stars along the line wins. 
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