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<h1>0x0y0z The XYZ Genesis</h1>
Usually, the x-coordinate is measured along the east-west axis, the y-coordinate is measured along the north-south axis, and the z-coordinate measures height or elevation.
I want to create a virtual space game, register <a href="/qns">QNS</a> from 0x0y0z to 999x999y999z, "-1 and -2 will be replaced by 999 and 998, and so on, by using the HTML hyperlink function, clicking on the color buttons only allows +1 or -1,
to create a continuous hyperlink within web page systems, web pages are interconnected according to XYZ coordinates rules.
QNS is similar to NFT; creating a new QNS or buy and sale the QNS will produce a randomly generated transaction hash and store it in the blockchain database.
To make the XYZ virtual space game fun, I use the first character and the last character of the hash, x,y,z,X,Y and Z can redeem a star, then I compare them to the last digit of XYZ coordinates, if they are the same number (char "0" not in use at Qora transaction hash, char "o" = 0), a star is <i>awarded</i>. The QNS allows unlimited trading to generate new hashes, once the hash <i>receives</i> a star, the owner of the QNS is encouraged to duplicate this webpage and list the star record at the header of the page.
Example 1:<br>
for QNS /0x0y0z, the regitered hash is <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?tx=J3DX3QKfsYWHBxhCxPc1kDmmT7ekexH8n3oYJCv3oD9FGmUwVSobQhi7ymckYjPEtWNPVCoXvZqbwazbsX5Xjuo">J3DX3...Xjuo</a>, the last character is 'o', compared to 0x0y0z, all XYZ coordinates receive a star, there are a total of 3 stars, and I have listed them at the page header.
If the first character is 'o' and not 'J', it will count as double stars!
Example 2:<br>
For QNS /0x0y2z, a Name Sale hash is <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?tx=4bZjj7ijVPZnSn7Q4U28Nwy1crsRBoCvEZXvtCouZhVREtYyyZxNe7bSMtxLVRkyf2extn56vtxYtRFQNWT6sZnx">4bZj...sZnx</a>, the last character is 'x', a star (If the first char is x, it is double stars!), and the Name Registration hash is
<a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?tx=5zwW8UMg2c1LwJLn81TV9FMMJyaMfsM27cn5Kt9u5a2vA6YG8xM5noUVjis5HZBRVinCeKRwoB6iG43uh9Tae47o">5zwW...e47o</a>, compare to 0x0y2z get 2 stars.
I have listed them at the page header, total 3 stars for 0x0y2z (July 12, 2024).
You can try your luck registering QNS from 0x0y0z to 999x999y999z, as long as they are still available. A game is just a game, luck is more than just luck, if you manage to connect your QNS webpage to /0x0y0z using the XYZ +1 and -1 methods,
1 route is enough, I am willing to buy the QNS name at a minimum price of 100 Qora, up to 1,000,000 Qora, depending on the rarity and quantity of stars collected. Please consult with me before putting your QNS on sale on the Qora blockchain DEX.
By using <a href="https://yawti.com">Yawti</a> and <a href="https://baadbe.com">Baadbe</a> token services, Qora tokens can be swapped indirectly for Bitcoin, which means cash withdrawal in crypto.
The XYZ is three-dimensional space, or 3D space. <br><br>
For two-dimensional space, genesis EF 2D Space created : <a href="/0e0f"> <b>/0e0f</b> </a><br><br>
Four-dimensional space, genesis ABCD 4D Space created : <a href="/0a0b0c0d"> <b>/0a0b0c0d</b></a>
One-dimensional space, genesis 1D Space created : <a href="/0.htm"> <b>/0.htm</b></a>
One-dimensional space, okchai's photos, using IPFS storage. <a href="/photo1"> <b>/photo1</b></a>
One-dimensional space, okchai's videos, using IPFS storage. <a href="/video1"> <b>/video1</b></a>
By <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=okchai"> <b>okchai</b> </a> 2024.
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