The new release is near :).

Before we release the new version in a couple of days I would like to mention another feature that we have added the last days:
-Storing Arbitrary files on blockchain.
This way you will be able to add e.g. a decentralized image to your website or store css files for your website or whatever you like.
In order to prevent blockchain spamming we will limit this feature to 50 arbitrary transactions at once at first and will also increase the fee for transaction batches.
50 arbitrary transaction should be enough to store images or files with size of atleast 100 KB.

To show you the new version agran uploaded the current testbranch to his website, so on you can already explore it with nearly all features that will be in the next release.
Here are some test images I already uploaded to the blockchain: (96kb and approx 37 txs) (460Kb and approx 179 txs) <--- this image was added before enabling the batch size, and should show you that there is really no limitation.

If you want to use a blockchain image on your website or profile you can just use /2ndtest/nature (/) or {{namestoragemap.getOpt("2ndtest","nature"}} if you want to have the whole image as base64 in your website

To show you guys the power of the new websites I created a webwallet and nameregister website! This can be done by everyone with own design and features:

You can also already explore the new Hashtag search:

The namestoragehistory can be found here: