okchai's Qora exchange rate
1Qora = 1 Ignis
Ignis is a token at Ardor blockchain, first child chain at Ardor blockchain.
My Ignis wallet : ARDOR-JUZ3-BG6B-VSNU-4BCPL
My Qora wallet : QMZwrMVDW8L5CTb896ubMeRWUBjiG4cQAi
Send tokens and messages with your receiving wallet address.

https://bytecoin.org/ okchai's Bytecoin exchange rate :
1 Bytecoin (BCN) = 1 Timah(Qora asset 192 ) = 1 TIM ( Ignis asset ID 18330576449896160871)
My Bytecoin wallet :

My TIM-Ignis wallet : ARDOR-JUZ3-BG6B-VSNU-4BCPL
My Timah-Qora wallet : QMZwrMVDW8L5CTb896ubMeRWUBjiG4cQAi
Send tokens and messages/PaymentID with your receiving wallet address.

For okchai's friends only.